Wednesday, September 08, 2010

A Preparation for Death

A Preparation for Death
Greg Baxter, Penguin, 2010

In his early thirties, Greg Baxter found himself in a strange place. He hated his job, he was drinking excessively, he was sabotaging his most important relationships, and he was no longer doing the thing he cared about most: writing. Strangest of all, at this time he started teaching evening classes in creative writing – and his life changed utterly. A Preparation for Death is a document of the chaos and discovery of that time and of the experiences that led Greg Baxter to that strange place – an extraordinarily intimate account of literary failure (and its consequences), sexual abandon and personal decay. 


Ian Koviak said...

wonderful. Love the title treatment. Very seductive photo too! Great one.

John Self said...

I like it. A terrific book too, it's worth pointing out.