John Bertram and Marco Sonzogni are publishing a book called The Lolita Cover Project:
"A collection of ‘conceptual’ book covers and essays about Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita to addresses the challenges and limits of representation (and mis-representation), and the relationship of a book to its cover. The Lolita Cover Project will feature 50 new ‘conceptual’ covers by leading graphic designers specifically commissioned for the book; critical essays on design and representation by Nabokov scholars, artists, art theorists, and designers."They kindly asked me to participate, this is my response:

The spiky eye graphic is intended to convey the twisted morals and distorted view of the world of both Humbert and Lolita. The title type is from a 1950s French shop signage catalogue – a nod to the books' first publication.
• More information about the project can be found here
Nice! I really like this.
Cool! Any insight into this? Or is it just meant to look retro/interesting to look at?
Thanks Ian, I was interested in the many acts of looking, observing, lusting in the novel and the protagonists' distorted view of the world and morals... Plus a spiky eye makes a great graphic!
That's what I assumed and felt from it. I like the retro 70s style type.
Glad you got it! The type is a nod to the books first publication and is from a 1950s French shop signage/ type catalogue.
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